Monday, 31 August 2015

Why And How Should You Buy CARB Approved Catalytic Converters?

Catalytic converter is the very important part of exhaust system in your vehicles but this part is often neglected for regular checkups and maintenance; and, when the original catalytic converter that came fitted with your vehicle needs replacement, buying the CARB approved catalytic converters becomes a complex task. The challenges come from lack of knowledge of CARB (California Air Resources Board) norms and the trustworthy Wholesalers & Distributors of CARB- NY approved catalytic converters

Logic To Use Only CARB Manifold Catalytic Converter:
A recent report by the American Lung Association states, “Five in top 10 most polluted cities with particle pollution exist in California (source: Martin). Government in California is serious to reduce air pollution to protect the health of citizens; therefore, exhaust emissions regulations for vehicles in California are stricter than those regulated by federal Environmental Protection Agency does. CARB’s regulations are expected to reduce the nitrogen oxide gas emissions by light and heavy vehicle by 110 tons a day by 2020. Today, almost 50 US states follow CARB norms. So, CARB approved Ca converter expands the boundaries to drive your vehicle without worries of penalties. And, by following the CARB regulations, you contribute in national mission of making the pollution free environment.  

Tips To Buy NY/CARB Approved Flex Pipe Catalytic Converter: As the California and NY administrations are enforcing hard the CARB regulations, vehicle owners too demand only NY/CARB certified flex pipe catalytic converter in US, Canada. Before servicing the catalytic converter, determine whether your vehicle was manufactured as per Federal or CARB specifications. To confirm it, check the emission certification label generally fixed on the front side radiator support or strut tower plate or at the bottom of engine hood. Now the next step is to find the Engine Family code or number. This information will help you optimize the search and selection process for buying the best matched OEM grade catalytic converters.     

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