Tuesday, 28 June 2016

What Makes OBD2 Catalytic Converters Different?

Depending on where you live, you may be required to upgrade your exhaust system to an OBD2 catalytic converter—but you might be wondering what it is that makes CA and N Y approved catalytic converters different? The information below will help you to understand the difference between factory-standard and after-market converters.


What Is A Catalytic Converter?

Catalytic converters were developed in 1975, as a method of reducing the amount of harmful vehicles emissions produced during the combustion process. As its name implies, this front portion of your exhaust system “converts” emissions into less harmful gasses.

Ceramic Honeycomb

There is a ceramic honeycomb inside of each converter, that is coated with the appropriate metal required to degrade harmful gases—and transform them into less harmful water and carbon dioxide. As we all know, carbon dioxide is a toxin, one that can be lethal if breathed within an enclosed space. This is why you have a muffler that directs the carbon dioxide behind and away from your car. If your muffler falls off, have it replaced as soon as possible—otherwise the toxic gases can pool underneath your car.

What Makes OBD2 Catalytic Converters Different?

Factory standard and high performance converters work in the same manner, but have a few key differences. OBD2 catalytic converters are a high-flow converter, typically with a larger honeycomb. The high flow and larger surface area work together to ensure that more gases are degraded—releasing less harmful gasses into the local environment.

Upgrade To High Performance—Even If You Are Not Required To Do So

While upgrading to a high performance system is sometimes required by law, you may still be interested in an upgrade—even you are not required to do so. For most, the motivation is to reduce the amount of toxins released in the local environment. This is easy to achieve with minimal investment, and simple part replacement.

At Muffler Express we offer N Y and CA legal converters for every make and model of car you require.

Summer Driving Tips – Muffler Express

An essential part of begin a responsible driver is being apprised of the risks associated with driving. With the warm summer months, come a few driving hazards that aren’t on your year-round radar. The tips below alert you to increased summer driving concerns.


Summer Weather

As much as we love the warm summer weather, it brings with it a few hazards. Sunshine is bright and sometimes blinding, so drive with sunglasses and use your built-in sun visors. Your engine is more likely to overheat in the summer, especially if your car is older—or you are driving for an extended period of time. Stop to allow your engine to cool down on particularly warm days, or when using your AC for long periods of time. Further support your engine by staying on top of scheduled maintenance such as oil changes and tune-ups, and replace any malfunctioning catalytic converters or exhausts systems.

Also take measures to keep yourself cool while driving by keeping hydrating beverages in the car, parking in the shade when possible, using a wind shield sun shade while parked, and by maintaining your car AC.

Kids Are Out Of School

Kids will be out of school by the end of June, meaning that there will be more teenage drivers on the road. Teenagers are not only inexperienced drivers, but they are often more easily distracted while driving.

Increased Tourism

The summer months are an excellent time to travel, so expect there to be more drivers on the road who are not familiar with the area. This means more abrupt stops and turns, and more distracted driving while reading maps and directions. Vacation traffic can also lead to increased congestion.
More Two-Wheeled Transportation On The Road

Summer is the perfect time to hit the open road on bicycles, scooters, and motorcycles. Since these two-wheeled means of transportation are smaller, you have to take more care that they are not in your blind spot.

Vacation Vehicles

Not only is the summer an excellent time to vacation, but to drive vacation and summer vehicles. This includes RV s that drivers only take out a few times a year. Also keep an eye out for convertibles and sports cars that stay locked up during the winter months—and are tempting to drive at high speeds in the warm weather. 

Roadwork And Construction

Summer is the perfect time to complete roadwork and construction. This means you can expect more traffic delays in your nearby construction zones. You must also drive with increased caution through your construction zones, paying special attention to temporary road signs and construction workers.

If you need to replace your car’s exhaust system to ensure safe summer driving, Muffler Express is your trusted online Canadian exhaust supplier.

Saturday, 11 June 2016

Exhaust Tips For Toronto Residents Who Want To Save Money On Car Repairs

Replacing your exhausts system is a fairly easy DIY repair. Only a handful of tools are required, and the full install typically takes less than 15 or 20 minutes. Below are a few exhaust tips for Toronto residents who want to save a bit of money on their car repair budget.

Tip 1 Order Your New Muffler Online

Installing your new exhaust system at home will not only save you the cost of labor, but save you can save even more by ordering your new muffler online. At Muffler Express, we sell standard, high performance, and CARB approved catalytic converters. Search for your exhaust parts by make, model, and year of your car—then further narrow down by your desired performance traits.

Tip 2 A Safe Workspace

You will need to jack your vehicle up to slide underneath and perform your repair. Before you get started—park on level ground and block your wheels to ensure your car will not roll away working. Invest in a quality car jack, that is designed for repairs above and beyond changing a flat tire. 

Tip 3 Gather Your Tools

Aside from your car jack, you will also need a wrench with varying ratchets. If your current clamps are rusted, you may need some lubricant to remove them. If your current muffler is welded on you will need a hacksaw and welding equipment.

Tip 4 Proper Installation

Removing your current exhaust system is typically easy, and your new system should fit easily in place. One of the most common mistakes when performing full or partial muffler repairs—is determining the difference between the front and the back of the muffler.

Tip 5 Check For Leaks

Once your muffler is clamped or welded into place, you need to check if for leaks. Drive your car after installation, and listen for any unusual sounds. Hissing, rattling, or squealing are all signs that your exhaust system is not properly secured, and that your clamps need to be adjusted.

Muffler Express sells the largest online selection of mufflers and exhaust parts in Canada. Take a peak now to see if we have the parts you need.